Consumer Goods Guarantee
If you purchased from Cheong Ba-G is faulty, we will repair, replace. Cheong Ba-G will address only 1 year non conformities warrenty after the date of purchase. For repair, cost will be occur after we analyse the reason from product specialist. Choeng Ba-G will reject returns without adequate proof of purchase recipt. Customers and users will have a maximum period of 14 days to resolve the non-conformity with Cheong Ba-G. Products still in possession of our products exceeding more than 14 days will be returned to the customers and any any liability from Cheong Ba-G will be ceased.
- An authorised Retail Stockist product must be returned directly to the place where you purchased.
- A fault or non-conformity with a product will be confirmed after our Manufacturing & Product specialists’s evaluations.
You can only exchange & return when it has faulty products late deliveries and being overcharged if the price wasn’t set beforehand.
We can not do the refund, repair, replance if the customer change minds, breaks it accidenttlly or on purpose, doesn’t follow the advice, ex washing instructions and takes it elsewhere to be fixed before coming to us.